Sending KeyEvents via ADB

1. Send a single KeyEvent
// Top of ur .cs file
using AndroidCtrl.ADB.Binary;
using AndroidCtrl.ADB.Socket;

using AndroidCtrl.ADB.Device.Input;

// Sends a single key-event to the device

// Sends a single key-event with the long pressed flag to the device
(bool)ADB.Instance().Device.Input.KeyEvent(AKey key, bool longPress);

// Sends a single key-event with the long pressed flag from a specific input source to the device
(bool)ADB.Instance().Device.Input.KeyEvent(InputSource source, AKey key, bool longPress);

//Sends a single, mapped (102 keys "en" layout), key-event to the device
(bool)ADB.Instance().Device.Input.MappedKeyEvent(int key, KeyMap map, bool alt, bool shift)

//Sends a single, mapped (102 keys "en, de" layout), key-event to the device
(bool)ADB.Instance().Device.Input.MappedKeyEvent(int key, KeyMap map, string twoLetterISOLanguageName, bool alt, bool shift)

2. Send an KeyEvent stack
// Top of ur .cs file
using AndroidCtrl.ADB.Binary;
using AndroidCtrl.ADB.Socket;

using AndroidCtrl.ADB.Device.Input;

// Create a List<AKey>
List<AKey> _stack = new List<AKey>()

// and send the stack to the phone

// Create a List<KeyEvent>
List<KeyEvent> _stack = new List<KeyEvent>()
    new KeyEvent(AKey.Key1),
    new KeyEvent(AKey.Key2, true),
    new KeyEvent(AKey.Key3, false)

// and send the stack to the phone